Cerebral Palsy & therapy.


Although Cerebral Palsy is a lifelong condition that can’t be cured, there all a whole range of therapies that can help ease or help the effects of CP. In this post i’ll be explaining each therapy and my thoughts on how they help.

Physiotherapy – This type of therapy focuses on a persons everyday movements such as sitting, standing & moving. A Physio therapist will help a childs movement by using a variety of streches and body exercises.

Occupational therapy – Occupational therapy is to help you out during your everyday life by using specialised equipment including standing frame, special seating, stair lift, walk in shower or any otger equipment which may make your everyday life easier.

Hydrotherapy – Hydrotherapy is a water based therapy that is carried out in a pool but unlike swimming the water is normally alot warmer than a regular pool. During a hydrotherapy session you will preform a number of different exercises usually instructored by a physiotherapist. This type of therapy is normally used to relieve muscle and joint pain.

Speech therapy –Ā  This form of therapy will help improve communication skills by helping you to prounce words more clearly, learn new words, put words into sentences or using alternative ways of communication e.g commumication boards, flash cards or electronic communication aids.

Aswell as these common forms of therapy while searching online, I found a list of therapies I had never heard of but apparently these other therapies have some positive effects when it comes to helping people with Cerebral Palsy.

Music therapy – Music therapy can take on a few different forms depending on the persons needs, it could include anything from learning to play an instrument, writing a song or singing. Music therapy will can help improve a number of skills e.g communication, physical or social skills.

Play therapy – The clue is in the name, this type of therapy uses play for young children with CP to help increase confidence and remove any social barriers they might face.

Social therapy – Some people with Cerebral Palsy struggle with building and maintaining relationships which will obviously leave them feeling lonely or isolated, so social therapy is normally preform in small groups to help people build and maintain happy and healthy relationships in a variety of settings.

The list above is just a small list of the possible therapies avalible for children or adults to help improve the effects of thier Cerebral Palsy. Although I would really like the chance to give all these therapies a try, I have only ever used physiotherapy, hydrotherapy and occupational therapy.

As a young child I didn’t particually like any of these therapies, as I hated being taking out of class during school times and I also didn’t like physiotherapy as it caused me pain at times. Looking back now I realise how important having therapy was for my mobility and how much it has helped me. So i’m very sorry to any physiotherapist I shouted or moaned at during my school days šŸ˜‰

So how do you guys feel about therapy?..what ones have you tried? And what ones do you find helpful? Let me know, I love hearing your thoughts!

8 thoughts on “Cerebral Palsy & therapy.

  1. I used to hate physio as a young child, but in my teenage years I learn to live with it and even like it… I had some major surgery at 13 and 15, then a motorbike accident at 16, which all required some pretty tough rehab. I learned to make physio exercises work for me and actually enjoyed parts of it. Even now I like experimenting with stretches and different bits of equipment to make them work better for me and fit into my life. I’ve even helped a couple of kids with cp with their physio.
    I loved hydrotherapy as a kid too… although a couple of years ago I had a course of hydro and it was a lot tougher than I remember!!!

    I really hated occupational therapy as a kid, I had to do lots of exercises to improve my hand function. The exercises lacked imagination and were so repetitive!!! I just didn’t see the point!!


    • I can only imagine how difficult it all was for you after the surgeries and accident Chris but I’m really glad physio seemed to help! Like you said when you’re younger I don’t think you realise its importance. I can really relate with loving hydro as a younger child but I was the same when it came to occupational therapy very unimaginative! I would’ve loved to try play therapy as a child though a lot less boring I’d imagine! šŸ™‚


      • The rehab was hard work, but I set myself goals to work towards. I was also determined to get back on my feet as quickly as possible as laying around was doing my head in!!
        A friend of mine is a play therapist , I think it’s a great Idea!! She works closely with physio and occupational therapists to ‘sneak’ therapy into play, she also helps keep children entertained when having physio and using standing frames and stuff. I wish there was more of that around when | was younger!!


      • Laying around and not being on your feet most of been tough!, when I got my spleen removed I couldn’t move for a while and it was a nightmare! Play therapy sounds fab I really couldve done with someone entertaining me during sessions in my standing frame so boring and painful!


  2. There are different Therapies and I think if you choose the right one it can be good for you. I know it’s not easy and it can be tiring but with the right one it can help.


  3. It was tough!!! It wouldn’t be so bad nowadays with ipads and stuff like that… Plus I quite like a lay in now!!!!
    I used to love my standing frame, I could stand nice and tall without having to concentrate on balancing!! It also gave me a good stretch out, so less time laying on a mat being pulled about….. I often think about getting one to give me a good stretch out after being sat down all day at the office.


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